Friday, December 4, 2015

Farm in The City

Dear babies

Mommy took time off from work today to bring both of you and Aunty Lyn to the petting zoo today called Farm in The City.

Both of you enjoyed it so much. 

Ethan at nearly 3yo (turning 3 next week!) could name the animals and remembered most of them. Mommy was very amazed. 

Evan at 1yo 3m, could touch and respond well too!

Mommy was very surprised when you asked "where is the school bus?" Right when we arrived at the car park because you remember there was a school bus when we went to the zoo the last time - more than 6 months ago 😳

Evan saw the tortoise and went ahead to slap on its shell as if playing a drum 😅

Ethan was a bit more cautious when feeding the tortoise. But did it in the end even though he was a bit scared.

Ethan fed the rabbits and fishes patiently. And Evan wanted to jump into the water to join the fishes 😅

Evan particularly love furry animals. So he was very charmed by the rabbits 😊

Both of you took turns to sit on the poney. Since Ethan is a bit more than the minimum height (90cm), you went on the poney and could ride on it for one round. 

Evan could only strike a pose but you pointed you finger and said "there!" wanted the uncle to bring you round!

Aunty Lyn enjoyed herself as well :)

It was worth the mosquito bites and all the heat. We will be back again.

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